Aunt Dimity and the Buried Treasure
While exploring the attic in her cottage near the small English village of Finch, Lori Shepherd makes an extraordinary discovery: a gleaming gold and garnet bracelet that had been given to Aunt Dimity by a long lost suitor. The poignant story behind the bracelet sends Lori off on an adventure through London---and through history---to complete an unfinished chapter from Aunt Dimity's youth. In the meantime, a new family has moved to Finch. The villagers are thrilled because their new neighbors are avid metal detectorists, and metal detectors soon become all the rage in Finch. The villagers unearth a lot of rubbish (and a few very embarrassing finds) before one of them stumbles upon a trinket that could hold the key to the origin of Aunt Dimity's bracelet. Is the bracelet a priceless and protected national treasure? Was Aunt Dimity's suitor a common thief? If so, how will Lori break the news to Aunt Dimity? And what will she do with the bracelet? As Lori searches for answers, she discovers an unexpected link between the buried treasure in the village and the treasure buried in Aunt Dimity's heart. |
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